Prosperous Community Foundation Press Release
In view of the chaotic public safety in Queens and the high levels of anti- Chinese sentiment, PCF (a division of the International Police & Veterans Foundation, IPVF.org) has been preparing for a long time and is now officially taking active actions to maintain the prosperity and public stability of the community.
On Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021, the President of PCF, Jonathan Fan, gathered the leaders of PCF to meet with the Deputy Chief Charles Scholl (Vice President of IPVF) of Patrol Borough Brooklyn South. During the meeting, PCF introduced the core program which is patrol services for the local neighborhoods and schools in Queens.
After the meeting, leaders of PCF and the Deputy Chief Scholl met with the Captain Commanding Officer of 109th Precinct, John L. O’ Connell. Captain O’ Connell gave us the warmest hospitality. During the meeting, we introduced the patrol services. Captain O’ Connell was very supportive of our program and approved the patrol services from PCF.
Below are the content highlights during the meetings:
PCF is legalized, supervised and protected by the NYPD, exerciser power, positions, and responsibilities. The Community Partnerships of the Office of the Deputy Commissioner will arrange professional personnel to train and teach us to avoid improper legal aspects. PCF needs the authorization of the NYPD to modify patrol vehicles to facilitate patrols. Under the coordination of the NYPD, cooperate with all parties to share resources.
PCF on Channel 4 News
Joining the community to fight against Hate Crimes

April 30, 2021
PCF had their patrol team re-organized
本報訊:社區安全服務隊(PCF-社安隊)於四月三十日例会。會議由繁榮社區基金會主席Michael 梁爵士主持,會議通过了PCF的工作計劃和提高社安隊巡邏培訓等事宜。为确保社安队员的安全,社安队将举办巡逻培训工作,加强队员在巡逻中自我保护意识,防止意外事件发生。另外,还将組織隊員積極參與社區公益活动及有關社區服務等工作。
地址:41-60 Main Street, Suite 207B, Flushing, NY 11355

May 15, 2021
很多我们PCF-社安队的义工们(包括80岁的阿姨)一起参加纽约法拉盛警察局举办的Asian American Pacific Islander 博览会.
他们不仅参与协办,还帮忙清理马粪, 太感动人了!